

Last edited 09.06.2024 at 14:02 by NV Charts Team


55° 52’ 0.3” N


12° 49’ 20.5” E


Large industrial and commercial port of the old fortress town on the Swedish side of the Sound.

NV Cruising Guide


Those unfamiliar with the area should approach the well buoyed and lighted harbor from the north. It is important to note that the current can be very rough at times - especially in the harbor area - and can reach speeds of up to 4 knots. You should therefore sail through the fairway under engine power if possible in order to remain maneuverable. The maximum speed in the harbor area is 4 kn


Guests will find a berth close to the town in the inner part of Nyhamn Marina at a water depth of 3-5m. Behind the bascule bridge, which is operated with self-service, there are guest berths along the quay on the starboard side, also up to approx. 15m in length. The small boat harbor (water depth 2.5m) directly at the water tower is mainly occupied by moorers.

The water depth in the boat harbor is only 1.9m until further notice according to the Sjöfartsverket (16761 T, 5/22).


The marina has STF guest harbor standard. There are very good shopping facilities in the town itself.

NV Land Guide

A huge water tower, the top of which is reminiscent of a flying saucer, overshadows the harbor. Lying beneath the futuristic concrete structure may cause trepidation in anyone who is suspicious of contemporary structural engineers. But anyone who (like the Vikings of old) is only afraid that the sky might fall on their head one day will not be put off by a small water tower. And apart from the three-legged water reservoir, the surrounding area certainly has its charm, which is mainly due to the extensive citadel area to the north of the harbor. This military complex from the Middle Ages, now surrounded by greenery and a moat, dates back to Danish King Christian III. Built in 1549, it now serves as a museum. Restaurants and artisans have also established themselves here.

Unfortunately, large parts of the medieval buildings fell victim to the construction of the citadel and the redoubts on the island of Graaen to the south of the harbour, meaning that Landskrona has hardly any historical treasures from this period. One of the exceptions is a half-timbered house built in 1627 in Stora Norregatan.

The town's most famous "daughter" is the teacher Selma Lagerlöf, who wrote the later world-famous novel "'Gösta Berling" in Kungsgatan 13 around 1890.

The white bathhouse built into the sound to the west of the marina attracts fewer visitors today than the open-air swimming pool in the immediate vicinity of the moorings, but it is a gem from the early days of bathing culture. You can also enjoy the sun's rays on the terrace of the "Mat" café right by the harbor. However, the enjoyment is diminished by the hustle and bustle caused by ferry traffic (to Copenhagen and the island of Ven) and the nearby industrial port, making Landskrona only a port worth recommending to a limited extent.

The south-eastern marina of Lundakrå, which is located on the edge of a large industrial area, has far more negative points. With the appropriate backdrop and around 50 advertising posters, a number of weekend vacationers feel at home in rust-brown wooden huts at the harbour. The distance to the city center is about two kilometers. A kiosk is available.

Marina Information

Max Depth 5 m


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Public Transport



Honsa Ehmke, RumSeglerZschornegosda
Schöne kleine Marina. Bei Schiffsbreite kleiner 4,5 m einfach in das innere Hafenbecken fahren. Die Brücke kann von Schiff aus selbst bedient werden.
14.04.2022 17:53
NV Charts Team
Nutzerkommentar: Der neue Gästehafen ist exzellent ausgebaut mit modernsten Landanschlüssen etc. Moderne Sanitäranlagen befinden sich beim Hafenmeister in Eingang zu dem Angelladen. Dies ist allerdings von Seeseite nicht einsehbar, das sieht man dann beim ‚Hafenlatsch‘... Deshalb sind dort alle Plätze frei, während vor der Brücke kaum Möglichkeiten für Gastlieger vorhanden sind, erst recht nicht für Schiffe über 12m. Auch der erste kleine Hafen, vor Nyhamn, ist für große Boote ungeeignet und fast vollständig durch lokale Boote belegt. Um in den inneren Teil des Hafens zu gelangen muß man eine Klappbrücke passieren. Diese Brücke ist mit einer Selbstbedienung versehen. Man legt direkt vor der Brücke an, dort wo sich ein grauer Schaltkasten mit rotem Schild befindet. Dort findet man eine Anleitung zum öffnen der Klappbrücke. Die Durchfahrtsbreite beträgt ca. 4,50m. Der Hafenmeister war sehr hilfreich, konnte mir aber auch nicht sagen wie breit die Durchfahrt genau ist. Das wirkt sehr eng, aber nach der Brücke ist der Hafen auch für Schiffe bis 15+m geeignet. Die meisten Liegeplätze sind längsseits an einer soliden neuen Pier. Im Sommer scheint es dort im Hafen recht viel schwimmendes Seegras zu geben...
04.12.2020 13:31

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