Knebel Bro

Marina near Torup

Last edited 17.07.2024 at 12:47 by Rainer-burmeister, Ju-Len


56° 12’ 15.7” N


10° 28’ 19.8” E


Rural boat harbor on the southeastern shore of Knebel Vig.

NV Cruising Guide


The approach to the unlit jetty is only recommended during the day. From the north buoy (WP661) of the shallow Pladen, steer 115° to the green buoy in the narrow entrance, which can only be seen much later. From the green buoy in the passage you then keep 114° towards a conspicuous hau with a white gable. Only when the jetty is at 155°, you head directly for the harbour.


Only a few yachts find space in the harbour in approx. 2-3 m water depth (green signs).

Anchorages: Good anchorages can be found all along the shore area of Knebel Vig. In the northern and western parts of the bay there are also mooring buoys of the Danish Sailing Association.


Besides fresh water and basic sanitary facilities, you won't find any service directly at the jetty. Limited supply possibilities are available in the village of Knebel, 1 km away.

NV Land Guide

Two things speak in favour of Knebel Vig as a cruising stop: firstly, the almost enclosed, beautiful bay away from the main sailing routes and, secondly, the varied landscape of the Mols Mountains. A modern marina and its facilities are missing and would be out of place here. Knebel Vig belongs to the individualists, the anchor lovers, the nature lovers - in other words, those who take the time to enjoy the beauties of Molsland.

The hilly, sparsely populated land has been inhabited for 8000 years. A number of graves and settlements from Denmark's prehistory have been discovered on the peninsula, which has been passed by by many developments since. Primitive weapons and fishing gear - including rough-hewn axes, flint spearheads and arrowheads - continue to be found. Particularly on the coasts, researchers or residents still come across settlement remains from the time of hunters, gatherers and fishermen.

For more recent cult and burial sites from prehistoric times, there is no need to look far. The typical barrows dating from around 3000 - 2000 BC are impossible to miss and mass in the Agri area. The largest and most imposing stone grave is located just over a kilometre east of Knebel, on the narrow road to Agri. "Poskaer Stenhus" or Knebel grave is what it is called. The site is surrounded in a circle by 23 large boundary stones (the 24th was hewn into shear stones about 200 years ago), while the grave itself consists of five massive supporting stones and an even larger capstone. It is assumed that there were one or two further chambers within the circular circle with a diameter of 20 metres. The site is dated to the later Stone Age, around 3500 BC.

Once on the trail, a visit to the highest point in Molsland, east of the small "mountain village" of Agri, is highly recommended. Here, from the 137-metre high "Bavnehøj", the whole hilly Molsland can be overlooked (see map).

Even if it's hard to tear yourself away from the beautiful view, there's a special feature to see in Agri: Denmark's highest lake. It is a large dead ice hole and has neither a visible inlet nor outlet. However, a creepy folk tale tells of an underground connection to the Femmøller stream and the Kattegat: "Many years ago, when a farmer wanted to water his ox team in the lake, he drove into the lake with his ox and wagon for the sake of simplicity and sank completely into the water. It was not until seven years later that the farmer's cap and the oxen's harness were found at the outlet of the Femmøller stream."

Three kilometres further north-east, following in the footsteps of the cap, so to speak, you come to the "Village of Water Mills," after a three-kilometre walk through a fascinating landscape full of juniper bushes. The village of Femmøller got its name from the five water mills that once stood here, powered by the small river of the same name. Four of the water mills are still more or less intact: the Forest Mill, the Cathedral Mill (or Glads Mill), the Kjerris Mill and the Upper Mill. The Femmøller valley is considered to be a typical valley section of the most recent ice age, some 20,000 years ago. At that time, large glacier tongues were located in all the Mols bays, pressing huge marginal moraines up between them, namely today's Molsberge.

From Femmøller to Strandkær, the hiking route leading south is preferable to the road. After two kilometres you come to "Forsøgstation", also called "Mols Laboratory". Here, scientists from all over the world conduct ecological studies in an area where almost all species of Danish flora can be found.

An exhibition informs visitors about the special features of the Mols landscape. About a kilometre further south you come across Bogens Lake. Now a constricted lagoon, it was once part of Ebeltoft Bay, as was the entire Haalen meltwater gorge. The Vikings still used this part as a natural harbour. Today, guests cavort here at Bogens Strand.

Fuglsø, a short distance to the south, is the next stop on the circular walk. The 41-metre-high mountain northeast of Fuglsø offers magnificent views over Ebeltoft Bay and the Kattegat. The 17 wind turbines of the wind farm on the other side of the bay are easy to see. Fuglsøcenter is a huge sports and theatre centre that was once a military camp. The village pond in Fuglsø, surrounded by a small farmstead, is a very picturesque sight. Old half-timbered farmsteads and the "Trehøje Kro", one of the oldest inns in Molsland, are the hallmarks of this appealing little village.

A narrow land bridge provides the link to the southern tip of the Helgenæs peninsula. Aptly named, the narrow range of hills is called "Draget", which means lindworm. The only jetty on Helgenæs is at Kongsgaarde.

On the way back to Knebel, you pass Denmark's highest church in Vistoft. Molsland's most famous poet, Joakim Kattrup, lived here. A memorial stone has been erected in his honour at the crossroads. 500 metres southeast of the village, at the settlement of Klokkerholm, stands Molsland's only surviving windmill.

The extensive cottage area southwest of Vistoft offers no special sights, and the trip to the western tip of Molsland is more recommended from Skødshoved. So back to the jetty at Knebel, where there is at least the "Cafe Miller", the "Posthus" and a very small supermarket. Additional supply possibilities exist in the north-eastern village itself, one kilometre from the jetty.

On the Molssäule at the northern entrance to Knebel, situations from the Mol stories of the Molbürger, the "East Frisians" of Jutland, are depicted, with jokes and anecdotes vigorously poking fun at them. "The wise actions and brave deeds of the old Molbürger" is the name of a book by Niels Blaedel, which is based on the classic Molbürger stories by the doctor Christian Elovius Mangor from 1780. In Mangor's old tales and corny stories, the Molbürger are always portrayed as simple-minded people who, however, consider themselves to be extremely wise. For example, the citizens of Mol had the clever idea of sinking their precious church bell in the sea in order to keep it safe from approaching enemies and, after throwing their bell overboard, wondered how they would find the place again. The idea of throwing an oar after it was rejected, because then a swimmer would have to be left behind to prevent the oar from drifting away. Finally, the smartest of the rowers had the brilliant idea. He took his knife, carved a mark in the side of the boat and said, "This is where we threw her out."

In another of the stories that have come down to us, a citizen of Mol, visiting Ebeltoft, is asked how he travelled, whether by coach, on horseback or on foot. He answers none of these things. He was merely driving a herd of pigs.

Marina Information

Max Depth 3 m


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