Næstved - Kanalhavn

Marina near Skraverup

Last edited 14.07.2024 at 09:00 by M.D., FUNYA III


55° 12’ 28.5” N


11° 42’ 52.7” E


Næstved-Kanalhavn: Comfortable marina of the Næstved Sailing Club, entrance on the starboard side of the Næstved Canal.

NV Cruising Guide


Næstved-Kanalhavn: The approach via the buoyed but unlit dredged channel is only possible during the day. Target depth of the channel and the Næstved Canal 6 m. Entrance via a branch channel directly from the Næstved Canal.




Næstved-Kanalhavn: Guests can go to 2.5 - 3m water depth by arrangement with the harbour master.



Næstved-Kanalhavn: The swing bridge in the Næstved Canal is only open to commercial shipping, so yachts with a mast height of over 8m should use this harbor. A mast crane, electricity, water at the jetty and sanitary facilities are available.


NV Land Guide

The fact that Næstved is primarily an industrial town is particularly evident at the harbor. Noise, exhaust fumes and typical industrial buildings around the two harbor basins are reason enough to visit the canal harbor on the outskirts of town. If you make the journey into the city from here, the largest town in South Sjælland has something to offer in terms of cultural history.

In the oldest part of the city is St. Peter's Church, built in the 13th century and one of the largest Gothic churches in Denmark. If you want to know what King Waldemar Atterdag and Queen Hedwig looked like, you should take a look at the church's murals from 1375. The monarchs are depicted kneeling in front of a mercy seat. Behind the church on Farvergade and Vinhusgade are the "Stenboderne", the oldest terraced houses in Denmark, built around 1400. One of the few remaining medieval town halls is located opposite the church. Nearby is the statue of the troll who, according to legend, wanted to bury the city under a large pile of sand.

In Kompagnistræde you will find the medieval Kompagnihus, probably the oldest guild house in Denmark. The Helliggaandshus (Holy Ghost House), where the elderly and sick were cared for in the Middle Ages, is now a museum. The Viking Age and the Middle Ages are highlighted in the house with its Gothic gables. The museum in Ringstedgade 4 also exhibits old glass and ceramic art as well as silver collections. In the aforementioned "Stenboderne" behind the church, local artisans exhibit mainly glass and ceramic objects. In general, Næstved and the surrounding area is known for old and new glass art. A visit to the Holmegård Glassworks Museum in Fensmark, about six kilometers northeast of the city center, is highly recommended. Here, visitors can see how hand-blown glass is made.

The town has also made a name for itself as a production site for high-quality ceramic products. The "top address" for ceramic products is the Kähler ceramics workshop at Kählersbakken 5, where you can admire the skill of the potters. St. Morten's Church, built around 1300, with its wood carvings (Østergade) is also worth a short visit. In Riddergade, opposite the tourist office, is the Apostle's House with 13 carved apostle disciples. The figures were carved into the beams of the house. Næstved's cultural center is housed in an old barracks in Grønnegade. The listed building is home to over 100 associations. The Herulfsholm boarding school, originally founded for young noblemen, has been located around two kilometers north of the city centre since 1565. Located in the rooms of an old Benedictine monastery, the boarding school is known throughout Denmark as an elite school. The church of the old "Skovkloster" can be visited. There is another story behind the monastery: in 1153, the landowner Peter Bodilsen had the building erected on the banks of the Suså. The completion of the monastery is now regarded as the birth of Næstved, as the bustling town of craftsmen and traders developed around the church building. Peter Bodilsen, the founder of the town, was immortalized as an equestrian statue on the Hjultorv not far from the town hall. Although he sits there on horseback, he and his horse are the smallest equestrian statue in Denmark.

The town's economic prosperity is due in part to the Hanseatic League, which made Næstved a central location for the purchase of grain and fish. Trade and fishing made the people of Næstved so wealthy that in the 16th century they even paid a higher city tax than the people of Copenhagen. Plague, fires and wars caused major problems for the town in the period that followed. After recovering from this, Næstved was known for its iron production and distilleries in the 18th century. It was only 50 years ago that the construction of the canal turned the town into an "inland port town". The canal is 4.5 nautical miles long, six meters deep and 40 meters wide.

Probably the most impressive excursion destination in the area is Gavnø Castle on the island of the same name on the Karrebæk Fjord. As early as the 13th century, a pirate castle stood on this site, about six kilometers southwest of Næstved. The building was bought by Queen Margrethe and donated to an order of nuns. Converted into a manor house in 1580 and a castle in 1750, the aristocratic residence is now one of the most magnificent rococo buildings in Denmark. Among other things, it houses one of the largest collections of paintings in the north, collected in the 17th century. A banquet table for 16 people with old Meissen porcelain is always laid in the large dining room.

The former queen's room can be visited, and another special feature is the large collection of musical instruments in the palace.

No less impressive are the monastery church from 1401 and the palace park, which is prized for its numerous flowerbeds. A visit to the park is particularly worthwhile in May and June, when thousands of tulips, daffodils, hyacinths and crocuses are in bloom. If you are interested, you can also see a collection of Falck vehicles (rescue vehicles). The island is connected to the mainland by a causeway to the east.

The former cowsheds of the Sparresholm manor, around ten kilometers east of Næstved, house an extensive collection of horse-drawn carriages. It houses both farm wagons and "fast carriages". Lake Tystrup and Lake Bavelsesee are 15 kilometers to the northwest, but the nature experience is worth the long journey. The densely wooded, hilly landscape is characterized by megalithic tombs, most of which are located at the highest points. Among the unusually large number of pre-Christian finds are field sheaths that are more than 2000 years old. The lakes and the river Suså are well suited for canoeing. Hired canoes can take you from Næsby Bro through the lakes to Næstved.

If you have plenty of time, you should not miss a visit to Gisselfeld Castle, 14 kilometers to the northeast. The Renaissance castle has been rebuilt several times and is surrounded by lakes, a moat and an English-style park.

Marina Information

Max Depth 3 m
Berth Width 4 m
Berth Length 15 m


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lille søde havn med store bred plads, fint naturen
12.07.2024 14:50

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