

Last edited 31.08.2024 at 21:13 by NV Charts Team


55° 42’ 10.6” N


12° 43’ 50.2” E


Former fortification north of the island of Saltholm, now a marina and destination for Copenhagen water sports enthusiasts.

NV Cruising Guide


As the harbour entrance is unlit, those unfamiliar with the area should only approach the harbour at night with sufficient residual light or a spotlight. During the day, the approach is unproblematic.


In the southern harbour basin you can lie sheltered behind the south-eastern breakwater or at the quay in front of the former accommodations at 4 - 5m water depth. The moat is only 2m deep on the island side. To the pier side it s unclean and only up to 1m deep. For the ferry to Nyhavn a berth is reserved in front of the restaurant.


Except for the restaurant and a kiosk at the weekend, you will find no supply facilities. Simple sanitary facilities are available. You pay here also for mooring during the day - for the overnight stay there is a surcharge. The northern harbour basin of the former artillery position should be navigated carefully, it becomes shallower towards the sides of the pier.

Ferry to Copenhagen (Nyhavn).

The Middelgrunds Fort, about 2.5 nm from Flakfortet, is a restricted military area.

NV Land Guide

Built in 1910-1914 as one of three artificial islands to protect Copenhagen Harbour, Flakfort was part of the Copenhagen Sea Fortifications. The fort originally housed a garrison of 550 men and was armed with four 29cm guns and six 21cm guns. The armament was changed and modernized several times over the years. The fort was used for military purposes until 1968. From 1968 to 1975, the island was uninhabited and unguarded and fell victim to vandalism and trophy hunters. Much of the old equipment was dismantled and stolen. The island was left to decay. In 1975 the Danish Ministry of Defence leased the island to the Copenhagen Sailing Association and opened it to the public. During this time, and with the active support of members and volunteers, the quays and buildings were slowly restored . In 2001 a Swedish company finally bought the island. Today, the island's warlike past is hardly visible, as it has been conquered by recreational boaters. Today there is a restaurant on the island, a mini-golf course, a kiosk whose assortment has been specially adapted to the needs of sailors, you can book historical guided tours and spend the night in renovated military barracks and let the charm of the past work its magic on you. In the summer, the island hosts various music events and festivals.

Marina Information


Phone +45 32 96 08 00 -4
Email Please enable Javascript to read
Website https://flakfortet.com







Public Transport


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