
Marina near Simrishamn

Last edited 20.06.2024 at 16:21 by NV Charts Team


55° 33’ 29.4” N


14° 21’ 26.7” E


This fishing and pleasure boat harbor is a popular but rather impersonal stopover on the way to Sweden's southeast coast.

NV Cruising Guide


The entrance to the illuminated harbour is possible by day and night via a buoyed fairway on the bearing of the leading light (2 Q.R) at 249.5°.

During the day, the triangular beacons are difficult to make out; you should keep the windmill and the middle of the harbour entrance on the bearing. After passing the pier heads, turn to starboard into the marina and watch out for the unlit concrete blocks in the outer harbor.

In strong winds, strong side currents can occur in front of the entrance. In onshore storms, heavy seas can be expected in front of the harbor, which can make entry and exit impossible.


Guests will find sufficient space in the marina on jetties D and E at a water depth of 1.6 - 2.5 m. The water depth is indicated on the jetties. Large yachts can moor at the quay in the western fishing port at a water depth of 4 - 5 m.


All supply facilities and a customs office are available in the cozy little town. Slip and repair facilities in the fishing port. In addition to good sanitary facilities, there are also coin-operated washing machines in the marina clubhouse. There is no WiFi here either.

STF guest harbor standard

NV Land Guide

The cobblestone main street (Storgatan) winds its way from the harbor up into the city, where narrow alleyways intersect. White, small or delicately colored fishermen's and craftsmen's houses from the 18th and 19th centuries characterize the milieu in the old part of the port city with its 25,000 inhabitants. They stand close together and you can touch the gutter of some of them with your outstretched hand.

The streetscape with coffee gardens exudes a cozy atmosphere. In other words, it's worth making the trip to Simrishamn. Stora Rådmansgatan, for example, which runs parallel to the main street, is considered one of the most beautiful streets in Skåne.

The town, which owes its development to the Hanseatic League and the large herring catches, was first mentioned in 1123. Back then, the town was called "Svimraos", which probably meant "slow-flowing stream". In the 12th century, Simrishamn was still overshadowed by the rich town of "Tumathorp", which was ten kilometers further inland. Then the Hanseatic League arrived and bought up the herring by the shipload.

Fish is still an important source of income today (see also Skillinge). The fish processing industry mainly exports cod and herring. The lively fishing port is evidence of a flourishing trade. Eel and herring are among the specialties in the inns.

The main street (Storgatan) used to divide the city into two halves. While craftsmen lived on the north side, the south side was reserved for fishermen and day laborers. The Kockskahof and Bergenska Gården on Stora Torget (Big Market) are particularly worth seeing from this period before the turn of the century. A few steps further on, the old buildings by the church are also worth a look.

Dedicated to the patron saint of sailors, St. Nicolai Church was built in the 12th century and extended in the 13th century. Votive ships and a baptismal font from the 13th century adorn the interior.

The church tower, which was built in the 15th century, is a work by the famous American-Swedish artist Carl Milles. The statue in front of the church is called "The Sisters".

Towering over western Simrishamn on Simrisvägen is the town's landmark and maritime symbol, the old windmill Södra Kvarn. The Österlens Museum on Stortorget, which is housed in a large granary dating back to 1848, is also worth a visit. Cultural history and archaeology can be seen here on four floors. The exhibition topics also include fishing and seafaring.

The Tannery Museum in Strömens Strädde is a reminder that Simrishamn was once a center of the leather industry. The old editorial office of "Cimbrishamnsbladet" is located in the Handwerksloftet, where former craft tools are also on display.

Sights in the area include the rock carvings in Järrestad, the King's Tomb and Glimmingehus (see Skillinge). Although the distance to the King's Tomb (northwest of Simrishamn) is almost 20 kilometers, it is worth the trip. A powerful ruler was buried here 3000 years ago at great expense. It is not only the size of the tomb that is impressive, but also the images immortalized on stones in the burial chamber: sun wheels, horses and chariots line the tomb. The symbols are "snapshots" from the king's life. The tomb is considered one of the most important antiquities in the entire north.

There is no shortage of burial mounds in the area around Simrishamn, including the imposing Bronze Age burial mound "Kvesjahög" on the hill north of the road that connects Simrishamn and Järrestad (five kilometers southwest). One kilometer north of Järrestad, on the road to Gladsax, there are numerous pre-Christian rock carvings depicting snakes and a man, among other things.

The church of Simris, immediately south of Simrishamn, with its vaults and the remains of a single pore, is perhaps the most beautiful church in the Österlen district. Its location also contributes to this. From Simris Hill, you have a view of the landscape and the sea that stretches for miles.

If you don't have the opportunity to take your own boat to Bornholm, you will find fast hydrofoil connections in Simrishamn.

Marina Information

Max Depth 4.5 m


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NV Charts Team
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