Vordingborg - Nordhavn

Marina near Vordingborg (Masnedsund)

Last edited 24.07.2024 at 18:00 by Hartmut Pflughaupt, Ratokker III


55° 0’ 9.9” N


11° 55’ 6.1” E


This historic town in southern Zealand near Masnedsund is now a modern industrial city.

NV Cruising Guide


The approach to the moorings is only recommended during the day and takes place  via the Færgestrøm.

Beware of the at times very strong current, which can reach up to 5kn in strong winds.

In calm weather the current capsizes every 6 hours and even then can be 3 - 4kn.


Moorings close to the city are available at the bulwark of the North Harbour at 1.5 - 2.1m water depth or at free places of the Snekken Sejlklub.


In the village you will find all utilities as well as several boatyards.

NV Land Guide

The castle of Vordingborg was one of the strongest and most important in the entire north. In addition to the eight fortress towers, the 30,000 square metres of space housed cow and horse stables, armouries, assembly halls, writing rooms, a smithy and much more. The defensive wall of the fortress, built around 1160, was 800 metres long, eight metres high and seven metres thick. A deep moat surrounded the royal castle, which was extended by Waldemar Atterdag in the middle of the 14th century. Unfortunately, only one tower of the massive complex has really been preserved, the Gänseturm. You should climb up this almost 30-metre-high building with its three-metre-thick walls, if only for the beautiful panoramic view. King Waldemar had a golden goose mounted on the top of the tower - as a mockery against the declaration of war by the Hanseatic cities in 1368. It cackles to the south, towards the Hanseatic League. The response to the mockery of the Lübeckers as a flock of chattering, fat geese was not long in coming. The Hanseatic League inflicted numerous defeats on the king, but the mighty Vordingborg could not be taken by the Lübeckers.

100 years later, despite their strong fortress, the Vordingborgers surrendered to the Swedes without a fight because they lacked weapons and soldiers due to an economic slump. In addition, the plague had previously claimed the lives of many Vordingborgians and sapped them of the strength to defend their town. After the occupants had left, the military fortification, which was unique at the time, was largely destroyed.

The remains of the castle walls, which are listed as a historical monument and are illuminated at night, clearly show how the fortification walls were built. The core was formed by fieldstones, followed by brick-like materials and finally the outer bricks.

A baroque hunting lodge was built on the castle square in 1670, but it was demolished again in the 18th century. The builder was Christian V's brother, Prince Jörgen. His wife was the later Queen Anne of England.

Multiple Danish kings resided in the castle during the Middle Ages, and the Danehof (Imperial Diet) met in Vordingborg until the 13th century. Nevertheless, Vordingborg remained insignificant compared to its military layout. Modest prosperity was brought by the herring markets in Falsterbo, in which the citizens of Vordingborg participated around 1500.

The Vordingborg Museum is located in the middle of the ruined terrain between large meadow areas and a small ornamental garden. The oldest part of the building was originally a side wing of the St. Jörgen castle.

The oldest museum pieces date back to the time of hunters and gatherers. They are 12,000-year-old spears and arrowheads of the tundra hunter. Also on display is a pottery from the early farming society of the Stone Age that is more than 5,500 years old. The skeleton of a woman dates from the Ice Age, around 200 AD. Ancient handicraft tools, a collection of traditional costumes and much more can be seen in the museum rooms. Sarah's house" has been reconstructed in doll's house size, the house of a town-famous woman who knew about healing and who had planted a medicinal herb garden between the castle ruins. This herb garden has been restored together with a botanical garden near the museum. The town is not particularly rich in medieval architecture, nor is it blessed with pleasant squares, apart from a few small streets such as Riddergade by the North Harbour. Three fires in the 18th century destroyed large parts of medieval Vordingsborg.

The Vordingborg Church of Our Lady is renowned for its excellent acoustics. What is spoken in a low voice from the pulpit can be heard to the farthest corner of the church. Apparently, some pastors have become so intoxicated with these acoustics that they have stretched the duration of the sermon beyond measure. This assumption is suggested by the two hourglasses attached to the pulpit.

Vordingborg has been a ferry port since time immemorial, with connections to Lolland and Falster. In 1886, the city received a ferry connection to Germany via Gedser, but it ceased to play a major role after the Storström Bridge to Falster was completed in 1938. Then in 1985, six kilometres to the east, the modern Farø Bridge was inaugurated. Here 50,000 cubic metres of concrete were used. The northern harbour behind the headland of Oringe was a popular war harbour of the Vikings 1000 years ago as a natural harbour. From the sheltered bay, the Viking fleet under the leadership of Bishop Absalon set sail against the Wends several times in the 11th century. Remains of Viking-era pile barrages have been found in the entrance to the harbour. The barriers were used to keep enemy ships from attacking.

Originally, the harbour was significantly deeper and also longer. The firth reached as far as the Church of Our Lady. The southern harbour (see Masnedø), unlike the northern harbour, is not to be recommended.

On the northern outskirts of Vordingborg lies Iselingen Castle, which is well worth seeing, the main house of which was built in 1802 in the Italian villa style and had a tower added in 1920.

West of Vordingborg, the narrow headland of Knudshoveodde juts out some 15 kilometres into the Smålands fairway. It is privately owned but may be hiked, which is highly recommended. Driving is only allowed as far as the car park at Knudskov forest. The rest of the way to Knudshoved is on foot. Ten Stone Age graves - including five passage graves - can be discovered at Knudshoved. But the real experience on the peninsula is the largely intact nature.

Because the peninsula was not used as farmland, but as pasture, many rare species of animals and plants can be found here. For example, the almost extinct fire toad still lives here. From the hills of the narrow strip of land, you have an excellent view of the entire Småland fairway on a clear day.

Another place to visit ten kilometres north of Vordingborg is Nicolaj Frederik Severin Grundtvig's memorial room in the village of Udby. The founder of the folk high schools and church reformer was born in the vicarage of Udby on 8 September 1783. As a fighter for a more humane Christianity, he was strongly opposed by conservative churchmen. The work "The Mythology of the North" is his most important writing.


Marina Information

Max Depth 2.5 m


Phone +45 4049 44 25
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Website https://vordingborg.dk/vordingborg-nordhavn













Public Transport




Stephan Bork , Temporada
Freundlicher Hafen. Ältere Sanitäranlagen. Geringe Wassertiefe an den meisten Stegplätzen, da Hafen der versandet ist. Zu wenig Sanitärkapazität für den großen Hafen.
24.07.2024 18:00
Alexander Tiedt, Captn Ahab 2
Der Hafen ist in die Jahre gekommen. Veraltete Stromanlage, nicht jede Steckdose ist funktionsfähig. Die Sanitäranlagen sind auch veraltet aber sauber. Ein Restaurant direkt am Hafen, ein Fischrestaurant und Imbiss ein paar Meter entfernt. Sonst gibt es alles in der Stadt, die fußläufig ist.
09.08.2022 16:48

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