
Marina near Kerteminde

Last edited 20.08.2024 at 10:54 by Maik Rosenkranz, Helena


55° 27’ 12” N


10° 39’ 59.7” E


Trade and fishing port with an offshore marina on the western shore of the Great Belt at Kertinger Nor. Due to extensive construction activities for the expansion of the marina and the adjacent land area to the south, interference (see Navigation) and construction noise is to be expected at times. Due to the spaciousness of the area, these will have varying degrees of impact.

NV Cruising Guide


The approach to the fired commercial port is possible day and night.

Attention: Current in the commercial port, it can be in the normal case already 2 - 3kn and in storm to 5kn. The fire in line (2 Iso.R) is easy to confuse with the traffic lights at night, so there are reflectors on the pier heads.

The access to the marina is on the north side. The Bb pier head is provided with a conspicuous "submarine tower".

There are marked berths, on the outside pier there are berths for larger yachts on the inner side.


Guests will find plenty of space in the large modern marina on 1.5 - 2.5m water depth. Large yachts are best moored in the commercial harbor on the northern quay at 4.5m water depth. Caution is advised when mooring because of the strong settling current. The southern shore with its fishing port is closed to guest berth holders.


There are very convenient and good supply facilities (including yachting supplies).

The diesel filling station is located in a blue container on the north side of the commercial harbor and is open daily from 0800-2000 hours.

NV Land Guide

The harbor area is well worth a visit. The townscape is particularly appealing in the area of the St. Laurentius Church on the market. This is followed by the old town with many restored half-timbered houses. The year of construction of the church is unknown. The only thing that is certain is that the initially single-nave house of worship was rebuilt into a three-nave one towards the end of the 15th century.

The development of the town also lies largely in the dark. What is known, however, is that the history of Kerteminde is closely linked to the history of Odense, because the small town on the east side of Fyn was a stacking yard for Odense. Odense itself did not initially have a port.

A huge city fire in the 16th century only temporarily dampened the boom of Kerteminde, but much more incisively the Swedish wars around 1660 slowed down the flourishing trade. The decisive factor in the economic decline was finally the construction of the Odense Canal, which meant that the town on the Odense Fjord was no longer dependent on Kerteminde's harbor. As a result, people shifted to fishing so intensively in the 18th century that the amusing saying is said to have made the rounds: "In Kerteminde, all citizens are fishermen, with the exception of the mayor, because he stings eels."

That the Vikings already settled here is documented by the discovery of a ship grave a few kilometers southwest near the village of Ladby (Vikingvej 123). The pharmacist and amateur archaeologist Poul Helweg Mikkelsen had noticed an elongated mound in 1934. Iron nails found there left no doubt that an old wooden ship lay here. The bow of the largely rotten ladby ship was oriented exactly to the south. Today, a museum hall stands over the ship's grave. Built for 16 rowers per side, the 22-meter-long and 2.80-meter-wide ship was a racer designed for calm seas.

The buried must have been a powerful man, because the skeletal remains of eleven horses and several dogs, silver objects and gold-interwoven fabrics indicate an extremely wealthy chief for the time of Gorm the Old. From the corpse however each trace is missing.

The landmark of Kerteminde is the swan mill. It is located on the outskirts of the city in the north on Møllebakken. Originally a Dutchman's mill with cloth sails, it was built in 1853 and is now a mill museum. Inside the mill, which is occasionally put into operation, an intact grinder can be seen.

Crafts occupy a large space in Kerteminde's museum at Langegade 8. Thus, in the Farvergården, built in 1630, the former tools of saddlers, shoemakers, clog makers, wainwrights, sail makers, blacksmiths, photographers and watchmakers can be seen.

A small speciality in Kerteminde is the Høkeren, an old merchant's store in Trollegade, which, however, is only open from June to August. With its furnishings, the clerk's store corresponds to a retail store at the turn of the century. The grocer's office can also be visited.

From loose flour, loose groats, salt herrings and rock candy to freshly tarred manila rope and handmade earthenware, the offer ranges.

The Johann Larsen Museum (Møllebakken) is an art museum with paintings by the artist of the same name, who was born in Kerteminde in 1867 and was one of Fyn's great painters.

A visit to the "Fjord and Bælt" Experience and Research Center for Oceanography at the harbor is definitely worthwhile for young and old. Unique in the world is the nursery for harbor porpoises, whose inhabitants can be observed together with seals under water through glass panes.  

Marina Information

Max Depth 4 m


Phone +45 65151537
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Kai, Don Papa
Hafen mit mehr als genug Plätzen. Sanitäranlagen sehr sauber und ein Hafen der kurzen Wege. Großer Super Brugsen und zwei Tankstellen easy erreichbar. Zum baden in den nördlichen Bereich fahren dann ist der Weg zum Strand kurz.
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NV Charts Team
Aufgrund der Bauarbeiten an der Mole nur vier Sterne, da die Steinbewegungen doch recht laut sind. Die Mole auf der Hafeneinfahrtseite zum Binnenhafen darf nur am Wochenende belegt werden, wenn keine Bauarbeiten stattfinden. Das Anker Restaurant direkt am Hafen ist wieder geöffnet und bietet eine sehr gute Karte.
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Viel Platz und viele freie Boxen. Toller Ort mit einem sehr guten Bäcker. Supermarkt ist nahe dran. WLAN ist auch super.
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Tobias Spitzmüller, Next Voyager
Tolle Stadt mit Freizeitangebot. Buchbar sin aber nur zwei Plätze im ganzen Hafen. Die sin auf Wochen natürlich ausgebucht. Für größere Schiffe 34-42ft gibts meist keine Box, weil die geeigneten in sehr ignoranter Weise von kleinen Boten belgt werden, die dann si schön viel Platz um sich haben. Man liegt dann am Stegkopf im Päckchen.
06.08.2020 09:10

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