
Marina near Hjortø By

Last edited 22.08.2024 at 09:00 by Godeke Michels, Harmonie


54° 57’ 59” N


10° 29’ 26.2” E


Very small harbor on the north shore of the island of Hjortø.

NV Cruising Guide


The approach to the unlit harbor is only recommended during the day with local knowledge. A marked channel with a target depth of 1.4 m leads to the harbor, which you should approach from "Højestene Løb" at 135° and keep to as far as possible. Due to silting, less water depth must be expected in the channel at times. Channel marked with poles gn and r. 


Guest moorings are very limited on the inside of the pier at a water depth of approx. 1.8 m. The harbor and the approach channel tend to silt up very heavily. The ferry/supply jetty opposite the harbor entrance may not be occupied.


WC, showers drinking water at the sanitary building  Electricity at the quays  Barbecue area at the harbor  No shopping facilities only peace and nature

Ferry to Svendborg.

NV Land Guide

The island between Drejø and Tåsinge is at its most beautiful when the elderflowers are in bloom. The few inhabitants of the island live mainly from farming and a small number of summer visitors, who particularly appreciate the fact that the idyllic setting is almost never disturbed by cars. A dyke protects the flat farmland and the village from storm surges. Although a fire destroyed large parts of the old buildings around 1920, the small village in the middle of the island with its half-timbered houses still exudes coziness.

In addition to the many hares, the island is home to the protected bell frog and a number of rare bird species. Hjortø is also known for its clear bathing water and child-friendly beaches. The neighboring island of Hjelmshoved is separated from Hjortø by very shallow water. The ferry ride to Svendborg takes about an hour.

Marina Information

Max Depth 1.4 m


Phone +45 62233080
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Website http://www.svendborg-havn.dk







Public Transport



Godeke Michels, Harmonie
21.08.2024 21:28

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