Lindelse Skov

Marina near Vindø

Last edited 13.03.2024 at 10:40 by NV Charts Team


54° 50’ 57.3” N


11° 4’ 1” E


A jetty about 80m long on the north shore of Nakskov Fjord opposite the islands of Slotø and Vejlø. (without plan)

NV Cruising Guide


The approach is only possible during the day and with flat-going boats. The approach is from the buoyed fairway north of Slotø.


At the bridgehead approx. 1m water depth. Those wishing to moor at the private jetty on the offshore island should ask the owner.

Slotø: Bridge on the north side of the island with 3m water depth at the head.

Vejlø: Bridge on the south side of the island with about 1m water depth at the head.

Enehøje: 1.5m deep bridge on the east side of the island. The owner, however, is not particularly pleased about guest berths.

Anchorage: Northeast of the island of Slotø and east of the island of Enehøje you will find quite sheltered anchorages at about 2.5 - 3m water depth.


There are no utilities or sanitary facilities.

NV Land Guide

Slotø The warships built on this small island from the early 1500s to the mid 1600s were among the largest "floating fortresses" in Denmark at the time. Remains of the castle-like warship yard can still be seen today. However, as it turned out around 1510, a serious tactical mistake had been made in the construction of the Engelsborg fortress when the cannons were pointed exclusively to the north (towards the shipping channel). The Hanseatic League discovered another fairway in the south of the island before an attack on Naksov and was able to bombard Slotø without danger (see also Nakskov).

Today, only one farmstead stands on the island, which is inhabited by a few farm workers. The mail boat from Nakskov docks daily (except on Sundays) at the small jetty, where pleasure craft are also allowed to moor for a day or two.

LindelseThis former fishing settlement was once the counterpart to Langø on the other side of the fjord from Naksov. Time stopped in Lindelse at some point, however, and the place has not been woken from its slumber since. As a result, the settlement has remained a cosy gem, but any utilities are in short supply.

Marina Information



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