
Marina near Bogense

Last edited 03.08.2024 at 17:18 by Rainer-burmeister, Ju-Len


55° 34’ 3.8” N


10° 4’ 36” E


Ancient trading town with fishing and modern marina on the north coast of Funen.

NV Cruising Guide


The approach to the fired harbour is possible day and night. It is approached via a dredging channel, which is marked with two green buoys (WP 186). The leading light with 164,5° (2F.R) burns only intermittently. From the southern green buoy you then run at about 210° to the red buoy in front of the entrance, which you leave to port, then turn into the harbour. The entrance from the west, which is buoyed in the summer, should only be used during the day by those who know the area.


Guest berths are located in the marina at the two bridges with transverse jetty (2 - 2.5m) or on free berths with green signs.... Larger yachts can also moor in the fishing harbour at the Ostkai. Here, however, it is so narrow that you can not turn (water depth 3.5 - 4m).


In the nice village you can find good supplies, as well as sailmaking and boating accessories.

NV Land Guide

This idyllic place is often called the jewel of Fyn. The founding of the dreamy little town can probably be traced back to pirates who led their raids from nearby Harritslevgård. In Viking times, the bay extended much further inland than it does today, which provided a basic prerequisite for the development into a thriving seafaring town. But for a long time the town lacked a harbour and disembarking was a tedious task, carried out by barges and horse-drawn carts. It was not until 1844 that Bogense was given a harbour that was unusual in its construction: a 22-metre wide and 500-metre long canal that reached into the town. It took many decades to complete this harbour. A first section of the boat canal had already been excavated in 1818 with the help of the citizens.

The harbour construction and embankment brought economic prosperity. The ferry connection between Klakring near Juelsminde and Bogense was started. The fishing and trading town gained fame for its numerous tanneries. It also counted no fewer than 34 distilleries of brandy.

One of the downsides of the town's history was the outbreak of a great fire in 1575, when only four buildings - including the church and the town hall - escaped the flames. The barely rebuilt town was, however, devastated again in 1658 during the Swedish War.

Today Bogense has a population of about 3000 and a modern marina, inaugurated in 1976, which is located right next to the old harbour. Many well-preserved old houses recall Bogense's heyday in the late Middle Ages.

Worth seeing is the Museum of Nordfyn in Vestergade, founded in 1920, whose collections consist mainly of folk utensils. The premises of the old railway building of the now disused North Fyn Railway also house a large collection of hair ornaments together with the equipment used to make them. The museum is working on an exhibition on the so-called lowland weavers and has a considerable collection of textiles and equipment for making them.

The church at the market is also worth a visit. Inside the building, which was erected on the highest point of the town, you can see, among other things, an altarpiece with carvings from 1588. The old gravestones standing by the church are remarkable.

In 1406, Bogense Kirke was built on the remains of the church erected by Queen Margaret I. The original Romanesque church is still standing. Only two high-set windows remain of the original Romanesque church.

The market by the church is one of Denmark's most beautiful, with its unbroken row of 19th-century houses.

The Erik Menveds Kro in Østergade is the oldest house in the town, a 17th-century building. It is named after King Erik Menved, who confirmed Bogense's town charter in 1288.

A copy of Brussels' famous Manneken Pis, a statue of a little boy peeing, stands in Adelgade.

Following the dyke northeast of the harbour, you come to Stegø Mølle, a mill that was only rebuilt in 1974 and once served as a pumping station to dry out the meadows during the damming around the town.

A two-and-a-half-metre model of the sail training ship "København"' stands in the tourist office at Adelgade 26. The five-masted barque disappeared without a trace off South America in 1928, seven years after it was launched, with a crew of 60. The ship was 110 metres long, 15 metres wide and had a draught of 8.15 metres. The height of the first masts was almost 57 meters and the sail area of 16 000 square meters gave it a speed of up to 12 knots. The main purpose of the "København" was to train skippers and officers, but cargo was also to be carried on the round-the-world voyages. The first circumnavigation lasted four years. The captain on this voyage was Niels Juel Brockdorff. Captain F.H. Hansen led the ship on the last ill-fated voyage, which began in Nørresundby on 11 September 1928, from where a cargo of cement was to be taken to Argentina. On 21 December, the cargo steamer "William Blumer" still received the message that everything was well on board. At that time, the "København" was about 400 nautical miles south-east of the Rio de la Plata. Since then, nothing more has been heard of the magnificent five-masted barque. All search efforts were unsuccessful, the training ship disappeared.

It is worth taking a look at Gyldensteen Castle, four kilometres away (towards Vester Egense). The main courtyard of the aristocratic manor, surrounded by water, was built around 1640. A destination, reachable by bike, could be the field of Glavendrup, a Viking grave with Denmark's longest runic inscription. In the middle of a forest clearing, the old grave today surrounds a cult-like atmosphere. However, this excursion destination is 15 kilometres from Bogense on the way to Otterup (see Otterup).

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Jan, Rampant
Sehr neue hochwertige Schwimmstege mit guter Ausstattung. Strom, Wasser und Duschen sind inkl. man bekommt einen Pin-Code und kann so häufig und lange Duschen wie man möchte! Duschen sehr grosszügig. Schlengel weiter hinten sind für kürzere und nicht so breite Schiffe. Toller Strand und bei Meny sehr gute Einkaufsmöglichkeiten.
03.08.2024 17:18
Nils, Aurora
Super moderner Hafen, mit neuen sauberen Sanitäreinrichtungen. Keine versteckten Extrakosten für Strom oder Duschen
04.09.2022 19:37
Norbert Reimers, Auriga
09.08.2022 19:11

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