
Marina near Bådsted

Last edited 19.08.2024 at 11:24 by Hartmut Pflughaupt, Ratokker III


55° 3’ 5.4” N


10° 9’ 28.3” E


Island pier with marina on the north coast of the idyllic island of Lyø. In the high season usually crowded.

NV Cruising Guide


The approach is unproblematic. After rounding "Lyø Trille" to the west or "Lyø Sand" to the east, you still keep clear of land until you can approach the bridgehead with courses between 170° and 260°. At night, a leading light (2F.R) at 166° marks the way to the ferry dock.

Warning: It is forbidden to use the harbor entrance when the ferry is there.


Guests lie at 2-3 m water depth in the marina on the west side of the pier. The ferry berths on the north side of the pier head must remain free. A usable anchorage is located in the bay 0.5 nm northwest of the pier.


Single utilities are available in the picturesque village 1 km away.

NV Land Guide

This island is one of the most beautiful in the Danish South Sea. Small paths between old half-timbered houses, several village ponds, lovingly landscaped gardens and an old store are grouped around the former school and inn. If you are looking for seclusion in a harmonious village setting, this is the place for you. No architectural blunders disturb the image of a village where time seems to have stood still. Lyø with its 180 inhabitants, about a kilometer from the pier, is therefore still an intact and manageable island community.

The island, four kilometers long at its longest point, is surrounded by a bathing beach almost 20 kilometers long. A few hills near the steep shore in the south bring variety to the landscape of the otherwise flat island.

When Lyø was still densely forested, a story took place here that earned King Waldemar II the nickname "the victor." He was robbed together with his son by Count Heinrich von Schwerin in 1223. The count was on the island as a guest of a hunting trip. As it is still told on the island today, the king is said to have insulted the count during the banquet after the hunt. He hinted to the man from Schwerin that he had had an affair with his wife. This strengthened the count's resolve to teach the king a lesson once and for all. The count had long since learned from friends that the king had seduced his beautiful Dagmar, although Heinrich von Schwerin had entrusted his estates and the countess to the Danish ruler during a pilgrimage to the Holy Land.

The king is said to have taken more pleasure in the countess than in the estates, and so he interpreted his role as overseer according to his own understanding. It was clear to the count, who was bent on revenge, that he could not do anything against the powerful Dane in the field, so he did not let on, cleverly gaining the king's trust and waiting for a suitable opportunity to strike back. An invitation to hunt at Lyø was tailor-made for his purposes. The count, whose honor was wounded, took advantage of the early morning hour, when the royal revelers were only stretched on all fours from alcohol. The drunken king was taken by surprise, and the royal ships were licked by the count's men to escape pursuit. The furious count's plan worked. After years of negotiations, the Danes got their king back - although there was not much left of the former victor. Waldemar II was a broken man.

The largest burial mound on the island of Lyø consists of the Klokkestenen (bell stones). The grave in the west of the island takes its name from the sound made when the capstone is struck. It is also remarkable that all gardens and paths on Lyø are enclosed with massive stone walls. Something very special on the island is the peculiar and well-preserved cemetery surrounding the church. It is said to be the only circular cemetery in Denmark.

Ferry services run from Lyø to Fåborg and Avernakø. You can stock up on essentials at the grocery store on the island. The culture and visitor center in the old school also has a cozy café-restaurant (open only in high season).

Marina Information


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Public Transport




MICHAEL Schlordt , Reina Ester
Traumhaft schöne Insel. Lädt zu ausgiebigen Spaziergängen ein. Strom und Duschen sind im Hafengeld ( 170 Kronen bei 9 m ) enthalten. Bezahlt wird am Automaten. Duschen und WC sehr sauber aber zu wenige angesichts des recht großen Andrangs. Man sollte frühzeitig da sein, oder in der Bucht ankern.
27.08.2023 18:45
Patrick , Møpsen
Fazit: mittelmäßig - gibt schönere Inseln. Habe vom Hörensagen mehr erwartet. Steganlage i.o., teilweise stark touristischer Andrang und dafür viel zu wenig Hygieneeinrichtungen. Duschen und WCs sehr in die Jahre gekommen und dreckig. Ein Highlight: anlegende "Piratenschiffe" (alte, große Holzies). Kaufmannsladen und Restaurant nur 1 km entfernt mit allem, was das Herz begeht. Badestrände rundherum. Duschen im Hafengeld enthalten.
22.08.2022 15:40
Christian Conradi, Puffin
Netter kleiner Hafen mit renovierter Steganlage. Hier kommt noch der Hafenmeister zum Kassieren. Strandabschnitt zum Baden direkt nebenan. Ca. 1 km zum Kaufmannsladen und Restaurant. WLAN im Hafengeld (150 DKK für 9-11.99 m) inclusive, Duschen extra mit Marke.
02.08.2020 18:02

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