Augustenborg Yachthavn

Marina near Augustenborg

Last edited 03.08.2024 at 22:12 by Viola.ramcke


54° 56’ 36.7” N


9° 52’ 15.1” E


Small town at the end of Augustenborgfjord with a commercial and marina harbour.

NV Cruising Guide


Due to the unlit access, the approach is only recommended during the day. On the last 3sm a well buoyed channel with 3m target depth leads to the harbour.


In the marina with 2 - 2.5 m water depth, the bridgeheads also offer good moorings. Large yachts can also moor at the Handelskai in 2.8m of water.

Anchorage: Good anchorage ground can be found in many places in Augustenborgfjord, especially on the eastern shore at Egen Næs or in Sebbelev Nor. However, approaching the anchorage grounds requires caution and echo sounder.


Good supply options are available (including fuel)

NV Land Guide

The Dukes of Augustenborg would probably not like the sight of their town from the sea today, because the huge granary is not exactly a beauty. The dukes, who shaped the life of the town for more than 200 years, left the 3000 inhabitants something more edifying: Augustenborg Castle. Unfortunately, the former royal seat from the rococo period cannot be visited from the inside, but the castle park of today's hospital can still be visited today. In the beautiful park with its centuries-old trees, you can see that Hans Christian Andersen (see also Odense) was inspired to write many of his fairy tales and poems there. The lime tree under which he is said to have particularly enjoyed sitting is also still there. For him and for the great poet Friedrich Schiller as well as for many of his contemporaries, the ducal family was generous patrons. The only part of the castle that can be visited is the classicist chapel with its rococo pulpit and marble baptismal font. The baptismal font was a gift from Russian Tsar Alexander 1 in 1807.

The history of the castle and the dukes is a particularly chequered one. Augustenborg was founded by Duke Ernst Günther and named after his wife, Duchess Augusta von Glücksburg. Originally the small insignificant village is said to have been called Stavnsbøl. Around 1651 the first castle was built, which burnt down. Duke Friederich 1 built the castle that can still be seen today around 1770.

The splendid court life at the Augustenborg residence came to an abrupt end when fighting broke out between the Danes and Prussians over Schleswig. During the war of 1864 the castle served as a military hospital. The duke, who was on the German side, was forced to leave the princely seat, but after the Prussian victory he again claimed the throne.

Bismarck, however, refused the Augustenborgian the conquered provinces. A late consolation for this loss, however, may have been the marriage of Duke Friederich VIII's daughter, Auguste Viktoria, to the German emperor. In the meantime, the Germans turned the castle into a barracks. At the turn of the century, it was used as a teacher training college.

Other gems of the well-kept town, which is influenced by the classicist architectural style, are the rococo houses of the former court servants. In general, the flourishing of the town can be traced back to the nobility and their court life. The lavish princely life demanded not only servants and administrators but also craftsmen, who settled near the castle. Among the listed buildings is the old vicarage (1776) on Schlossweg. The Augustenborg parlour in Storegade is set up as a historical museum and also functions as a tourist office.

Among the sights, sports boaters will be most interested in the replica of a Viking merchant ship called "Sebbe Als". In winter it is moored in a naust on the fjord, a replica of a Viking-era dwelling and boathouse.

The sport of wrestling, still popular in Denmark, is said to have originated in Augustenborg. Traditionally, a four-day ring-riding festival is held every year on the third weekend in June.

For those who want to overlook Als and fancy a panoramic view as far as Ærø and Fyn, a trip to the 81-metre-high Høgebjerg, the highest elevation on the island of Als, is recommended. A small museum of local history has been set up at Storgade 28.

Marina Information

Max Depth 2.5 m


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Public Transport



Angela, Viva la vita
ACHTUNG MINDERTIEFEN. Einlaufend ab dem dritten Steg von Westen aus gesehen beträgt die Wassertiefe deutlich weniger als 2.5m. Der Hafenmeister erklärte uns, dass im östlichen Teil des Hafens ( ab Brücke B) durch Verschlickung teilweise weniger als 1,5m Tiefe besteht und dass die Seekarten das seit langem falsch angeben. Im westlichen Teil wurde hingegen auf 3m ausgebaggert. Wir saßen an Brücke B mit 1,80 Tiefgang auf Grund obwohl der NV Hafenlotse dort 2.5m Wassertiefe ausweist
30.07.2023 17:57
Moritz Karg, Razupaltuff
Ruhiger Hafen, sehe freundlicher Hafenmeister, der einem auch beim Dänischlernen behilflich ist. Sehr saubere und gut unterhaltene Sanitäranlagen. Alle relevanten Versorgungsmöglichkeiten vor Ort, der nächste SuperBrugesen ist 10 min Fußweg entfernt. Bei Westwind (haben wir gerade) ist es etwa unruhig, aber nicht störend. Also Alles in Allem eine Empfehlung wert.
22.07.2022 17:57
SiRe, Islay
Ganz ganz ruhiger Hafen. Ein Platz zum ausschlafen und Stille genießen. Ein Wegweiser an den einzelnen Brückenenden weisen einem von Seeseite die richtige Gasse für die eigene Bootslänge zu. Bei Booten unter 8m ist es zu empfehlen eine Gasse früher zu wählen, da sonst die Box evtl. zu kurz ist. Teilweise gibt es neben Dalben auch feste Fingerstege. Die sanitären Anlagen sind gut und sauber, allerdings sehr weit entfernt. Versorgung ist fußläufig zu erreichen. Eine Empfehlung für den Spar können wir nicht aussprechen. Unserer Meinung nach lohnt sich der weitere Weg zum Nord-östlich gelegenen gut sortierten Broaser. Östlich gibt es noch einen Netto. Der Ort selber stellt nichts außergewöhnliches dar. Das Schloss und die Anlage ist nett anziehen.
05.08.2020 20:03
Gerhard Joachim Frhr. von Plotho , Grautvornix
Ein sehr gepflegter liebevoller kleiner Yachthafen. Mit allem was man braucht und noch mehr.Sehr sauber und freundliche Mitarbeiter.
26.07.2020 12:13

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