Løverodde Bro

Marina near Varmark

Last edited 24.05.2024 at 11:16 by NV Charts Team


55° 29’ 56.5” N


9° 37’ 18.4” E



Pier closed as a jetty until 1 Oct 24 due to damage.

Small, very scenic jetty at the exit of the Koldingfjord.

NV Cruising Guide


The approach to Løverodde is unproblematic during the day. It can be approached directly from the fairway to the bridgehead. At night, it is also possible to approach the unlit jetty under favorable lighting conditions.


There is limited space for a few guest berths at the bridgehead in 2-4 m of water. At times, the berth is very choppy.

A ferry docks at the head of the bridge every afternoon.

0.5 nm to the west are 3 berths belonging to the yacht clubs from Kolding and Fredericia.


There is a kiosk and a restaurant near the bridge

NV Land Guide

Located in the Koldingfjord, the village exudes tranquillity. The area around Løverodde is densely wooded and is ideal for walks. There is also an acceptable bathing beach not far from the jetty. Apart from a restaurant, there are no buildings here. The nearest village - Sonder Stenderup - is located four kilometers south of the jetty.

Marina Information

Max Depth 3 m







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