
Marina near Søby

Last edited 30.08.2024 at 12:22 by Peter W, Lynx


54° 56’ 34.1” N


10° 15’ 36” E


Extremely relaxed fishing, yacht and shipyard harbor in the northeast of the island of Aero, where the harbor master himself goes around in the evening and brings the latest stories 

NV Cruising Guide


The approach to the lighted harbor is unproblematic day and night (at night in the white sector of Søby Molenfeuer). The incoming and outgoing ferries must be granted right of way.


For guest yachts there is a very good marina in the eastern basin with a water depth of 2.5 - 3.5m at most of the jetties. Large yachts also moor very well on the east side of the east pier at a water depth of 4.5 m. Commercial shipping has priority here and the quay wall is very high. The western harbor basins, especially the jetties for fishing vessels and ferries, should not be used by pleasure craft, but yachts are sometimes moored at the harbor master in the "inner harbor"

Dust and sand blow off the unpaved pier from the east pier when the wind is blowing in the right direction and strength.

Mooring to...

East pier - few large bollards, many large rings, pipes available

Yacht harbor incl. north jetty - bollards

South pier inner harbor - medium-sized rings with pipes

West pier inner harbor - bollards


Commercial marina with good supply and repair facilities, including fuel at the roadside filling station. Scenic surroundings, a trip to the Skjoldnæs lighthouse and the restored windmill is well worthwhile.

NV Land Guide

Søby is not as idyllic as the old trading and shipping towns of Ærøskøbing and Marstal. The small town on the north-east coast of the island of Ærø has a rather busy feel. It has no sights worth mentioning. However, around seven kilometers south of Søby you will come across old ramparts and a ruined castle near Søby Mill. The huge complex is considered to be the oldest "preserved" of the Middle Ages. It is interesting to note that the noor now known as Vitsø, not far from the rampart, was still navigable in the 17th century and must have formed an ideal natural harbor with a narrow entrance on the west side of Ærø. Unfortunately, the Noor is now a dried-up lowland. Finds prove that there was already a settlement here by the ramparts in the twelfth century, but it only flourished for a short time. The settlement was unable to hold its own against Ærøskøbing, which was more sheltered from the westerly winds.

From Søby, the walk along the north-eastern high shore of the island to Skoldnæs lighthouse is well worth a visit.

The church in Bregninge, six kilometers south of Søby, is also worth a visit. It was probably built in the 13th century. The frescoes depicting the Passion of Christ date back to 1510.

Ferry boats run from Søby to Fåborg and Fynshav. You can also travel around the island of Ærø by bus, which is free of charge all year round. Dogs are also transported and even bicycles (if space is available).

Marina Information

Max Depth 4.5 m


Phone +45 62581430
Email Please enable Javascript to read
Website https://www.soebyhavn.dk

















Public Transport





Peter W, Lynx
Seit 20y immer wieder einer unserer bevorzugten Häfen, sicher, tief, Strand und Grillplatz direkt am Steg, gute Versorgung. Finn’s Bäckerei nicht vernachlässigen, eine Perle…
13.07.2024 11:55
Jörg , Loup de mer
Immer wieder gut. Es wurde alles wieder instandgesetzt. Und der Hafenmeister ist ne Legende
24.04.2024 13:59
Christof Madöry, Speedy Gonzalez
23.08.2023 16:27
Hermann, buten
Jetzt ein Brugsen direkt am Hafen. Schöner Spaziergang zur gegenüberliegenden Küste. Steiniger Strand aber Badestege. Immer noch - wie seit vielen Jahren - ein uriger, lustiger Hafenmeister.
22.08.2023 20:20
Michael , Lykke Hamburg Finkenwerder
24.06.2023 13:02
Netter kleiner Yachhthafen neben einem kleinen Fährhafen. Für Familien ideal! Spielplatz und Grillplatz direkt am Strand nebenan. Malerischer Ort, Supermarkt fußläufig gut zu erreichen. Duschen 10DK Waschmaschine und Trockner gegen Gebühr vorhanden
23.07.2021 19:58
Ralf Meyer, STINA
11.07.2020 22:17
Bernd Butzbach , Sprotte
10.06.2020 18:30

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