

Last edited 03.09.2024 at 12:51 by Moritz, Razupaltuff


54° 57’ 56.5” N


10° 26’ 11.3” E


This scenic island between Funen and Ærø offers 2 small harbors with the larger of the two marinas, Drejø Havn, located in the south of the island Drejø. 

NV Cruising Guide


The approach to the lighted jetty is unproblematic day and night. From the southeast is approached Drejø Havn.


Drejø Havn in the southeast of the island. Here you can moor on the inside of the bridgehead or free boxes at about 2.5m water depth. The ferry dock on the north side must remain free, the inside of the bridgehead is reserved from 10:30 to 17:30 for the yellow catamaran from www.ø-hop.dk.

Showers and electricity is included in the price for the mooring fee. Depending on the berth, however, you need a very long cable for the electricity.

The swell of the passing ferries is reflected on the quay and pier and provides  unrest in the harbor.


You can get limited supplies at the grocer in Drejø By. There is a ferry to Svendborg.

NV Land Guide

May it sound also after the language of the advertising brochures, then this destination deserves nevertheless that one calls it because of the beautiful landscape fantastically.

Etwa 70 inhabitants counts the 400 hectares large island still - and it becomes ever fewer. Yet you can no longer tell from the island that it has more lively times behind it. Although a few boats are enough to fill the harbor, seaworthy merchant ships moored here in the 19th and even in the 20th century, bringing cattle and grain as far as Norway. Drejø By was one of the most beautiful villages in Denmark. It consisted of low thatched half-timbered houses, which left only a space for very narrow alleys. But the narrowness that made the village so cozy became its undoing in 1942. A fire spread so quickly to all the buildings that the inhabitants had to watch powerlessly as their village burned down. In addition, the wind shifted so unfavorably during the fire that in the end only one farm in the middle of the village was spared. The 18 others perished in the sea of flames. The catastrophe was triggered by a burning tobacco pipe.

After the great fire, the new farms were built near the associated fields, whereby the original structures of Drejø were finally destroyed.

The island, which is also shaped by agriculture, owes its appeal to its beautiful beaches, among other things. The neighboring island of Skoven, which is connected to Drejø by a narrow causeway, is also worth a visit because of its high steep banks. Probably the only sight on the flat island is the church built in 1535. Here, church hymns were sung without organ accompaniment until 40 years ago.

The island has a cafeteria and a grocery store. Ferries dock on the north side of Drejø Bridge and sail to Skarø and Svendborg.

Marina Information

Max Depth 2.5 m
Berth Width 3 m
Berth Length 11 m


Phone +45 62 22 26 33
Email Please enable Javascript to read
Website https://www.svendborg-havn.dk/










Public Transport




Sehr schöner Hafen, auch mit Kleinkindern, da sehr flache geschützte Planschbucht, viele Spielsachen im Hafenhaus. Außerdem ein offensichtlich sehr neuer Spielplatz. Unsere Kids sind leider zu Hause, da schon zu alt dafür. Zwei Grillstellen für Kohle und ein Elektrogrill (alles Kostenlos). Achtung wie auch auf Skarø Zahlung nur per Kreditkarte über Website möglich!
20.08.2024 16:51
Moritz, Razupaltuff
Sehr netter intimer Hafen (ca. 30 -40 Liegeplätze) mit allen notwendigen Versorgungsmöglichkeiten, außer Kraftstoff. Wer allerdings eine "Fullservice-Marina" sucht, ist hier falsch. :) Im Ort, ca. 20 min zu Fuß, gibt es neben einem Imbiss auch einen Købman. Landschaftlich liegt der Hafen sehr reizvoll, es gibt eine Fährenbindung nach Svendborg zumindest in der Hauptsaison. Bei östlichen Winden liegt man allerdings in den westlich gelegenen Boxen wegen des Schwells recht unruhig.
14.08.2024 19:39
Moritz, Razupaltuff
Sehr netter intimer Hafen (ca. 30 -40 Liegeplätze) mit allen notwendigen Versorgungsmöglichkeiten, außer Kraftstoff. Wer allerdings eine "Fullservice-Marina" sucht, ist hier falsch. :) Im Ort, ca. 20 min zu Fuß, gibt es neben einem Imbiss auch einen Købman. Landschaftlich liegt der Hafen sehr reizvoll, es gibt eine Fährenbindung nach Svendborg zumindest in der Hauptsaison. Bei östlichen Winden liegt man allerdings in den westlich gelegenen Boxen wegen des Schwells recht unruhig.
14.08.2024 19:39
Thomas Müller-Lupp, Sat Nam
16.07.2024 15:48
Carsten Reinholdt, HR34 Conny
Der Hafen ist gut, aber sehr unruhig durch Schwell. Nicht an der Aussenmole anlegen!
30.07.2022 09:00

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