
Marina near Maasholm (Maasholm-Bad)

Last edited 27.07.2024 at 11:01 by Björn Willnat, Wilde Hilde


54° 40’ 49.1” N


9° 59’ 36.2” E


Small fishing port and a large modern marina near Schleimünde

NV Cruising Guide


Entry is possible day and night. From the approach buoy 15/Maasholm2, you must head north towards the entrance to the yacht and fishing harbor. The entrances are illuminated at night and the approach buoy usually stands out well against the harbor lighting in the dark.


Guest berths in the marina with over 400 berths or in the fishing harbor at the two pleasure boat bridges in the south-eastern part. Passenger boats and fishing boats as well as the busy fishing industry can cause a bit of a disturbance here at times during the season. Large yachts can moor at the outer jetties, but these berths are sometimes very choppy due to swell.

The box lengths are clearly marked at the heads of the jetties, which makes it easier to find a suitable box.

The outer jetty (as of July 2024) is not yet in operation and is closed. Due to the loss of berths, it can get a little crowded at peak times.


Electricity and water at the jetty as well as showers are only available for a fee. This requires a port card (€20 deposit), which can be topped up at the machine. The harbor card can only be returned with a debit card (no credit card or cell phone).

The popular excursion destination of Maasholm offers sports boaters and camping fans all the facilities they need. The fish stall in the harbor, the Störtebecker restaurant and the bakery are popular destinations. A small store offers everything you need.

Maasholm is also home port for a lifeboat. The place is a small fishing village worth seeing, where fishing still plays a role today.

A walk through the village is recommended.

EC payment is not possible in all shops/restaurants.

NV Land Guide

The Oehe peninsula, on which Maasholm is located, was originally an island between two tidal channels to the Baltic Sea. Around 1770, a dyke was created in the north near the Oehe estate, followed by the construction of a dam, thus gaining 100 hectares of fertile land. However, the land was lost again in a storm surge. It was not until the beginning of this century that the attempts at reclamation were successful and the island of Oehe finally became a peninsula. According to municipal chronicler Horst Franzen, Maasholm's immediate predecessor, the small Maas or Maes to the north-east of today's village, only existed for a few decades. In his chronicle of Oehe-Maasholm, he writes that in 1663, the noble house of Gottorf forbade "those living on the Maas" from interfering with fishing in the Schleim estuary.

According to old traditions, floods caused by the north-east wind damaged the fishing settlement to such an extent that the inhabitants gave up just 20 years after the village was founded and established the new village of Maasholm on the western elevation around 1700. The subjects of the new settlement were granted the right to fish in the Olpenitzer Noor and the Schlei by royal decree.

The sea was the only source of livelihood for Maasholm over the next 100 years. The townspeople increasingly turned to trade and cargo sailing. By 1835, the village already had a fleet of 29 ships. But the upswing only came about with the construction of the artificial Schleimündung estuary through the Olpenitzer Landarm. The silting up of the old Schleim estuary had caused increasing problems for sailors (see also Schleimünde). The municipal chronicler writes that the large volume of shipping traffic even required a royal customs inspector in Maasholm.

Trade with Copenhagen was particularly important for the people of Maasholm. When bridges were built there, they had their masts converted into hinged masts, as the goods were not unloaded at the quay, but usually sold directly from the ship in the city canals - a procedure that could take weeks. Due to the close trade links with Copenhagen, the German-Danish War of 1864 (the Duchy of Schleswig became Prussian) meant the decline of Maasholm's cargo sailing industry.

The new source of income was obvious, or rather, was right on the doorstep. The residents' seafaring experience quickly made Maasholm one of the most important fishing villages on the Baltic coast. Bream, roach, zander, pike, herring, eel, perch, salmon and tench were, and in some cases still are, fished from the Schlei alone.

Only the cod is no longer willing to make a trip to the Schlei because, according to legend, it has had bad experiences here. It is said to have felt so at home in the Schlei that the fishermen had trouble catching anything other than cod, which naturally led to yawning boredom at the dining tables of the Schlei households. One bitterly angry girl, who had to eat cod particularly often and was probably tired of the saying "you eat what's on the table", gouged out the eyes of a live cod and shouted: "Away with you, you disgusting scaly animal". Word of this cruel treatment quickly spread among the cod, and within a very short time no more cod were seen in the Schlei. Since that time, the people of the Schlei have mainly eaten herring, according to evil tongues, probably until one day a heartless girl .....

You can still buy excellent fish in Maasholm, and fish specialties are on the menu in the restaurants. Nevertheless, the importance of fishing - compared to days gone by - has declined significantly and tourism is increasingly taking its place as a source of income. The tourist attraction is not surprising, as the picturesque little fishing village, which can only be reached from land via a causeway, has managed to retain much of its original character. Above all, the Westerstraße with its typical cobblestones and old half-timbered and thatched houses is one of the village's main attractions. It runs almost exactly north-south. The further east you go in the village, the more new buildings you come across, which do not fit into the otherwise homogeneous picture. In contrast, the St. Peter's Chapel, built in 1952 at the end of Westerstraße, fits perfectly into the townscape.

The recommended walk around Maasholm leads past the church and along the shore of Wormshöfter Noor, where the old fishing boats are lined up below the footpath. The Wormshöfter Noor was once the northern connection to the Baltic Sea. Nature lovers can walk to the Nature Experience Center (NEZ) or to the Oehe-Schleimünde bird sanctuary, which can only be entered as part of a guided tour. The ornithologist from the "Jordsand" association invites you to these daily at 10 am and 3 pm during the season (except Mondays) and from Schleimünde, depending on the arrival time of the ferry. The NEZ regularly hosts events in the "Maasholm Natural Science Lectures" series.

Maasholm Bad, located around two kilometers north of Maasholm, is a modern vacation home settlement that is not a must-see. However, the Oehe estate to the north is well worth a walk. The hiking trail there leads along the Baltic Sea. There is now a café and bistro in the former stables on the estate grounds. According to the community chronicles, a princess from Tahiti was once the lady of the manor here. Margret Terii nui (great princess) tahurai Marama tepau Brander had renounced her rights to the throne (female succession applies in Tahiti) in order to marry the wealthy merchant Schlubach. As a penniless sailor, he had come to money and fame in a similar way to the Gelting baron Sönke Ingwersen (see Gelting). At the age of 20, writes community chronicler Horst Franzen, Schlubach sailed around Cape Horn to Valparaiso in 1856 alone (!) and without a fortune on a small barque, where he quickly made a career with his small trading company Schlubach u. Co. and was finally appointed Imperial German Consul General for Chile in 1872. He returned to his old homeland with a fortune of 25 million marks, bought the Oehe estate and had it renovated as a summer residence for his large family. It is said that it was not uncommon for 40 people to sit at table in the manor house.

In the harbor area there is a beautiful large playground where children can play undisturbed and in peace.

Maasholm is the home port for the rescue boat HELLMUT MANTHEY. Opposite the mooring of the rescue boat is a landing stage for Schlei excursion boats.

Marina Information

Max Depth 3 m


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Joachim, Jofra2
Sehr schöner Hafen. Viele Möglichkeiten für Kinder
11.07.2023 21:25
Guido, Lille Svea
Steg E ist neu, hat aber noch(?) keine Wasserversorgung. Ansonsten toller Hafen und alleine wegen der besten Currywurst der Region schon einen Besuch wert. Alles sehr beschaulich und in landschaftlich schönster Lage. Ein Blick rüber nach Olpenitz zeigt, warum wir solche Küsten bewahren sollten, anstatt sie den Investoren zu überlassen.
28.05.2023 18:50
Klaus Palmer, Elida
13.05.2022 16:54
Crew Heitmann, Anke
Sehr gepflegter Hafen mit freundlichen Mitarbeitern. Der gemütliche Ort lädt zu einem Spaziergang ein.
13.08.2021 17:33
heidi.heidemann, Fluctus
06.06.2021 15:33
Joachim, Into the Blue
31.05.2021 21:12
Sehr schöne Marina. Auch mit Kindern sehr gut.
09.08.2020 12:56
Volker Pollehn , Quinte P.
Einer der schönsten Häfen an der Schleswig-holsteinischenOstseeküste
01.08.2020 15:53

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