
Marina near Løkke

Last edited 14.05.2024 at 20:57 by Rainer-burmeister, Ju-Len


55° 15’ 36” N


9° 43’ 52.3” E


Nice, small island harbour for fishing boats, yachts and the ferry to Årøsund.

NV Cruising Guide


The approach is possible day and night. The occasional hard-setting current in the sound should be noted. Ferry traffic has the right of way. From the fairway, run 120° towards the fueled (F.R) northern pier head, then enter the harbor. The harbour tends to silting up.


The middle and the northern jetty offer berths at 2 - 2.5 m water depth. The places of the fishing boats and the ferry may not be occupied.


The island of Årø is very scenic, but offers limited utilities.

NV Land Guide

The island of Årø is recommended to the sports boater who is looking for the rural idyll. The island is perfect for walks. There is a small children's playground at the harbour and the few roads on the six-square-kilometre island are so lightly trafficked that the place can be described as particularly child-friendly.

A road causeway leading across a noor connects the harbour with the village of Årø. There, it is possible to buy groceries at a corner shop. Further shopping is available in the village of Årøsund opposite, which is a ten-minute ferry ride away. Boats cross from the island to the mainland twelve to 15 times a day.

The sparsely populated island is not a suitable place for night owls or culture vultures. Reed fields, bogs and rare beach plants on often stony beaches define the character of the landscape, as does agriculture. The lack of forest gives the already flat island, whose highest point is six metres above sea level, an even flatter appearance. A stone at the entrance to the village marks the highest water level of the storm surge of 1872, which destroyed the tree population. On the other hand, the island was enlarged by the Årø Kalv archipelago on the eastern side of the island. On 13 November 1872, the islanders and coastal inhabitants of the Baltic experienced the most powerful storm surge in history. Unusually long periods of westerly winds drove the water from the North Sea into the Kattegat. Then the wind suddenly shifted to the north at gale force, grew to hurricane force and drove the water over the flat islands like Årø. The islet was almost completely flooded by the tides.

A beautiful bathing bay has formed between Årø and Årø Kalv, but to reach it you have to cross the island. In contrast, the way to the bathing beach south of the harbour is not far. On top of that, the sailors sailing through the narrow sound offer a wonderful scenery. The Narrows is the main route for pleasure craft between the waters around Als and the Little Belt.

The lighthouse standing to the south of the harbour was built in Berlin in 1905, because Årø belonged to the German Empire from 1864 until reunification in 1920, while the neighbouring island of Bågø always belonged to the Danish Kingdom. A longer weather-related stay in Årø can be relaxed by a trip by bus to Haderslev (see also Haderslev). Årø Kro is located about 500 metres north of the harbour near the shore.

Marina Information

Max Depth 3 m


Phone +45 74 584401
Website https://www.haderslev.dk











Public Transport




Frank Nehring
Auf Årø gibt es eine winzige Brauerei und Weingut. Diese hat in der Woche von 11 bis 15 Uhr geöffnet, diese Öffnungszeiten haben wir leider verpasst, so dass ich nichts näher beschreiben kann. Aber das Bier und den Wein kann man direkt an Hafen genießen. Die Sanitäranlagen sind wirklich in die Jahre gekommen. Aber sie sind sauber, werden offenbar von Zeit zu Zeit frisch angestrichen und aus den Duschköpfen kommt reichlich Wasser.
14.05.2024 20:57
Wunderschöne Insel, aber der Hafen hat einen riesigen Investitionsstau.
06.08.2022 21:12
Timo Kaiser , SY Lilly
Sehr schön gelegener Hafen und netter kleiner Ort. Die Sanitäranlagen sind öffentlich zugänglich und werden von den Gästen der Fähre und der Gastwirtschaft stark genutzt. Die Anlagen sind in die Jahre gekommen und befinden sich in keinem guten Zustand.
31.07.2022 08:46
Christoph Theilen , Op Jöck
Sehr schöne ländliche Insel mit einem kleinen feinen Hafen
04.08.2020 15:21

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