
Navinfo near Portofino

Last edited 18.04.2023 at 00:00 by NV Charts Team


44° 18’ 9.8” N


9° 12’ 0.9” E


Marine Reserve Regulations:
Zone A:
no bathing/ swimming
no diving
no motor navigation
no sailing/ rowing
no mooring
no anchoring
no fishing

Zone B:
Bathing and swimming are allowed
Diving is restricted
Motor navigation is allowed at max. 5 knots
Sailing/ rowing is allowed
Mooring is restricted
Anchoring is prohibited
Fishing is restricted
For further information contact the National Park Authorities and see the Sailing Directions

Zone C:
Bathing and swimming are allowed
Diving is allowed
Motor navigation is allowed at max 5 knots
Sailing and rowing are allowed
Mooring and Anchoring are restricted
Fishing is restricted
For further information contact the National Park Authorities and see the Sailing Directions


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