Den Helder - Royal Netherlands Navy Yacht Club

Marina near Den Helder

Last edited 21.05.2024 at 21:52 by NV Charts Team


52° 57’ 45.3” N


4° 46’ 54.3” E


Marina close to the center of Den Helder right at the starboard side entering at the main harbour basin. 

NV Cruising Guide


Navigation is straightforward entering first the protection of the large harbour basin.

The marina of the Royal Netherlands Navy Yacht Club, resides outside of locks right at the main harbour basin in tidal influences but has floating jetties. As you approach, the harbor is on your starboard side. 

Be aware of in and outgoing other vessels, also larger military and commercial vessels. In front of the harbour in the Texel Strom there is ferry traffic to Texel leaving from the ferry harbour on the outside. There can be a strong side setting current in the Texel Strom, in front of the harbour, depending on the tide.


Guests may use boxes at the floating jetties with green signs, then report to the light green KMJC boathouse, located next to the walkway to shore. The marina is well maintained and close to the city center. Moreover, its location outside the locks ensures easy entrances and departures without navigating any additional locks.
Before leaving the harbour site, you should sign out at the KMJC boathouse - otherwise you may be denied entry upon return (Navy grounds).

In 2023, the harbour fee €2.10 for every meter of vessel length daily. This fee encompasses access to sanitary amenities for the entire crew, along with water and WiFi provisions. Additionally, there's a daily tourist tax of €1.38 for each individual. All prices are inclusive of VAT.


You are berthing near the heart of Den Helder, a city rich in history and current significance as a commercial, leisure, and naval port. The nearby area of Willemsoort stands testament to this history, showcasing a vast museum harbor filled with active workshops and a vibrant community of maritime enthusiasts. For historic vessels, there is great knowledge also available in the museums workshop, including very skilled wooden boat builders.

There are several supermarkets close by. Further to the south, there are several hardware stores. The shop Buijtendijk, for example, offers a large selection of professional tools and supplies, including a large selection of stainless steel screws and bolts, and a very helpful and friendly staff. With an order amount of more than 20€, they offer free delivery to your vessel.

Another helpful address can be the Complete Store in the Het Nieuwe Werk on the southeastern part of Den Helder. While focused on hydraulic equipment, the store offers a large collection of marine piping, hose equipment, and probably a lot more combined, again with super friendly staff.

All in all, both, if you need to do some repairs or are looking for a stay in a nice town, Den Helder is a great place to visit.

NV Land Guide

Right around Willemsoord, you will find many nice restaurants and also the popular Historical Harbour and Museum with a large collection of historical vessels in the southern part of Willemsoord. In the northern part, there is the well-known Naval Museum, and right in the center, the spectacular museum ship Bonaire in the dry dock. Located around there are many nice cafes and restaurants offering a wide selection of dishes. Further in town, though just a few minutes by foot, there is an art museum "Kunsthal45" with a large collection of exhibits.

From the central station, not far from Willemsoord, Den Helder offers good train connections.

Marina Information

Max Depth 2.8 m


Phone +31 6 5100 75 28
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VHF Channel 31










Henning, Wantok
Auf der Route Richtung Engl.. Kanal sind Marinas rar. Daher war ich hier. Nur wegen der mäßigen Umgebung habe ich einen Punkt abgezogen. Die Marina ist aber klasse. Alle freundlich, alles sauber, alles funktionell und gut organisiert. Die Einfahrt ist etwas versteckt. Ich komme gerne wieder hierher. P.S. das Hafenmeisterhäuschen ist jetzt hellblau.
11.08.2023 18:33
Stefan, Tipitu
Wir waren gerne hier. Die Anlage vermittelt Hafenatmosphäre... einfach aber sauber. Restaurant mit schönem Ausblick Richtung Texel und Widmung von Knox-Johnston. Der Hafenmeister verleiht Fahrräder. So ist man schnell in der Stadt.
21.01.2022 19:28
Jan Wierichs, JUST TIME 4 SILJAN
Schöner Hafen in guter Lage
11.07.2021 21:22
Mike Piqeur , Columbus
30.01.2021 17:16

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