Rio Tejo Entrance

Navinfo near Carcavelos e Parede

Last edited 15.04.2023 at 18:00 by NV Charts Team


38° 40’ 12.4” N


9° 40’ 4.8” W


Rio Tejo – Entrance Channels

Fishing is strictly forbidden in the entrance channels.
Precautionary zones exist in the narrow entrance to the Rio Tejo. Vessels or
craft proceeding in opposite directions are not permitted to pass one another
in Barra Norte, in the approach to the narrows, from a position on the leading
line 7 cables West of Pta.da Lage up to Pta.da Lage itself.
When 2 vessels are approaching from opposite directions the vessel farthest
from the entrance to the channel should wait. If in doubt, the one proceeding
with the tidal stream has priority.
A vessel entering through Barra Norte must give way to a vessel leaving
through Barra Sul, and must keep NW of the alignment (050°) of Caixas Beacon
and Mama Light structure until it is clear to proceed up river.
A vessel leaving by Barra Sul should keep to the Gibalta-Esteiro Leading Line
and no account get NW of the alignment mentioned above.