Yantlet Secondary Channels

Navinfo near Castle Point (Canvey Island)

Last edited 20.04.2023 at 06:00 by NV Charts Team


51° 30’ 18” N


0° 34’ 16.7” E


Yantlet Secondary Channels

Recreational users are reminded that commercial vessels not constrained by their draught will be using these Secondary Channels both inward and outward bound. Recreational users should therefore, in compliance with Rule 9 of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, keep as far to the starboard side of the river which lies on their starboard side as is safe and practical. They are also reminded of the obligation within Rule 9 placed on vessels of less than 20m in length, sailing vessels or fishing vessels not to impede the passage of vessels which can safely navigate only within a narrow channel or fairway.

Listening watch on the appropriate London VTS sector VHF channel - VHF Ch 68 or Ch 69 (as appropriate) is advised.

Yantlet Channel Navigation

Recreational vessel should keep well clear of the Yantlet Channel and prior to using the recommended tracks and crossing routes marked on this chart.


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