
Navinfo near Parchim

Last edited 21.07.2022 at 03:39 by NV Charts Team


53° 25’ 48.7” N


11° 44’ 26.2” E


Müritz- Elde- waterway

AT is 1.4m (to Plau) and 1.2m (Plau to Dömitz).

DH 4.2m at MW.

zHG 9 km/h (Plau to Buchholz), zHG 6 km/h (Dömitz to Plau).

zHG 25 km/h (on lakes or lake-like waters with a width of more than 250 m, outside the protective strip, within 12km/h).

Water police station Plau, Tel. 038735-138 790. Zust. for the Plauer See and the MEW up to the lock Neuburg.


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