
Navinfo near Neuruppin

Last edited 21.07.2022 at 03:36 by NV Charts Team


52° 49’ 45.4” N


12° 55’ 57.9” E


Ruppiner Gewässer
AT 1.0 m (km 0-29), AT 1.2 m (from km 30-65), AT 1.1m (Km 66-71), with longer dry heath, lower depths are to be expected.
The lowest DH is at MW 3.3 m.
zHG 8 km/h.

Water police - Wache Lehnitz
Tel. 03301-851 2654
Responsible for the Oranienburger and Ruppiner Canal from km 0.0 to km 22.0 (branch Fehrbelliner waters).

General information and warnings:
The Ruppiner Gewässer are state waters, here the state waterways ordinance of the state of Brandenburg applies.
The bridge passages are sometimes narrow and are located immediately before or behind unclear canal bends. It is recommended to drive slowly, to give sound signals and to observe the overtaking and meeting prohibition.
From the trees on the bank branches can be broken off, which are in the water.


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