Felsenburg "Castillo del Rey"

Sightseeing near Pollença (Cala Sant Vicenç)

Last edited 21.07.2022 at 01:36 by NV Charts Team


39° 55’ 25.8” N


3° 0’ 38.9” E


In the Sierra de Tramontana at 476m lies the rock castle "Castillo del Rey", the last stronghold of the resistance against the conquest of Jaime I. of Aragon who invaded Mallorca in 1229.
The Castillo del Rey is one of three castles on the rocky peaks in the Valle Ternelles and has a unique view of Pollença, Alcudia and the bays.
The Romans were probably the first to settle here and build a fortress, later came the Muslims followed by later by King James I. and in 1715 the castle was abandoned.
In the Sierra de Tramontana at 476m is the rock castle "Castillo del Rey", the last stronghold of resistance against the conquest of Jaime I of Aragon, who invaded Mallorca in 1229.
The Castillo del Rey is one of three castles on the rocky peaks of the Valle Ternelles and has a unique view of Pollença, Alcudia and the bays.
The Romans were probably the first to settle here and build a fortress, followed by the Muslims and later by King James I, and in 1715 the castle was abandoned.


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