
Bridge near Aalborg (Eternitten)

Last edited 09.07.2024 at 13:54 by NV Charts Team


57° 3’ 15.4” N


9° 55’ 14.5” E

Bridge Information

Bridge Type Opening
Height closed 9,5 m
Width 30 m
Vert. Reference MSL


Phone +45 98 12 00 35
VHF Channel 16


Opening for pleasure boats on the hour. During the rush hour of city traffic, there may be longer waiting times. The time of the next opening is shown on a display on the bridge.

Bridge signals
red-fixed 1 F.R. No passage
red_flash red_flash 2 Fl.R. Prepare for passage coming from the east.
red-fixed red-fixed 2 F.R. Passage permitted coming from the east.
red_flash red_flash red_flash 3 Fl.R. Prepare for passage coming from the west.
red-fixed red-fixed red-fixed 3 F.R. Passage permitted coming from the west.


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