Grapčeva Höhle - Humac - Hvar

Sightseeing near Humac

Last edited 21.07.2022 at 00:51 by NV Charts Team


43° 8’ 1” N


16° 45’ 7.2” E


The Grapčeva Cave (Grapčeva špilja) is a natural monument, as well as a paleontological and archaeological monument on Hvar.
The cave is located at 239 m above sea level and can be reached from Jelsa via the Greek fortress Tor or from the south via the place Gromin Dolac and the bay Virak.
The easiest way is by car from Jelsa to Humac and then walk to the cave.

It is the most important prehistoric site on the Adriatic, they found remains of three different cultures, among others. a.  of a culture from the 4th millennium BC: the oldest representation of a ship in Europe was found here on fragments.
Also found here were layers from the Danilo-Hvar culture, which is dated to the Neolithic and Copper Age (3900-3300 BC).
The cave is full of stalactites and stalagmites and consists of a large and a small hall with many other branches.


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