Duba - Peljesac - Boat Hbr.

Marina near Duba Pelješka

Last edited 21.07.2022 at 00:24 by NV Charts Team


43° 1’ 30.2” N


17° 10’ 13” E


Duba in the northwest of the Peljesac peninsula is a small harbor basin behind a fired pier (Fl.(2)R.5s 4M). 

At the pier are during the day often excursion boats. If the place is free, one lies here well on 3m water depth and a little further inside are still about 2.4m WT.
The short pier opposite has 1.5m water depth on the inside.
The village itself lies a little above the harbor. The beach is east of the harbor and there are no restaurants or bars.

Marina Information

Max Depth 3 m



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