Insel Mljet - Info

Sightseeing near Kozarica

Last edited 21.07.2022 at 00:12 by NV Charts Team


42° 45’ 47.6” N


17° 27’ 30.3” E


The island of Mljet is the southernmost and most forested islands of the Adriatic with lush vegetation, clear waters and a rich underwater world.

The first inhabitants were Illyrians who came to Mljet from the port of Prapratno on the Pelješac peninsula 4000 years ago and built the first Slavic settlement "Vrhmljeće" above the present-day village of Maranovići.
From this period, fortresses, walls and tombstones have been preserved all over the island. The best preserved are located in the National Park on the mountain Veliki Gradac, by the lake Veliko Jezero in the west of the island and above the source of the Vodice, near the place Babino Polje in the middle and south of the island.

The island was mentioned in Greek writings as early as the 4th century BC, and the numerous finds of Greek amphorae and sunken ships near the coast testify that the Greek sailors stopped here.

A mystical place - for here the nymph Calypso is said to have lived and seduced the shipwrecked Odysseus and held him captive in her cave on the southern coast near Babino Polje for seven years.

The Roman palace from the 3rd cent.

In the 12th century the Benedictines became the rulers of the island of Mljet and took over the feudal power on the island. They produced everything they needed for life themselves and taught it to the population. The Benedictines became the ecclesiastical and civil authorities of the island. With a document "Mljet Statute" from 1345, the monastery waived all contributions and services to the abbey for the inhabitants - after this liberation from serfdom, Mljet became part of the "Republic of Regusa, (Dubrovnik) in 1410 until the end of the Republic in 1808.

Today, a third of the island belongs to the "National Park Mljet", in the northern part of the island. Two salt lakes - Veliko and Malo Jezero, the Benedictine monastery on the island of Sv. Marija and in Polače is the Roman palace from the 3rd century, which with its size ranks just behind Diocletian's Palace in Split, belongs to the most valuable heritage of the island of Mljet.


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