Lagune Patok - Naturschutzgebiet "Patok-Fushe Kuqe-Ishem

Sightseeing near Fushë-Kuqe

Last edited 20.07.2022 at 08:50 by NV Charts Team


41° 37’ 41.2” N


19° 35’ 18” E


Patok lagoon is now part of the nature reserve "Patok-Fushe Kuqe-Ishem" with an area of 2200ha - a shallow lagoon and marsh area with numerous underground waters.
In the second half of the 20th century
the ecosystem was greatly influenced and changed by activities such as drainage, dam building and deforestation.
Today you can still see the wooden pile dwellings and bridge paths. In the Lagoon Patok there is a pile path through the lagoon with numerous restaurants.

An anchorage for an excursion into the lagoon can be found in the bay at Kep i Rodonit.


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