
Sightseeing near Cavtat

Last edited 20.07.2022 at 07:20 by NV Charts Team


42° 34’ 53.3” N


18° 13’ 4.6” E


The small town was laid out according to plan on the slopes of the Rat peninsula on the edge of the Konavle valley. Cavtat has its own harbor captain (Croat.: Lučka Kapetanija) as well as a customs dock (Croat.: Carina), which makes the port particularly attractive for yachts. The distance to Dubrovnik airport is about 5 km.

In the village there are some preserved cultural-historical buildings, moreover, accommodation and restaurants have settled for the growing number of tourists. Sports and cultural facilities such as tennis courts, marked hiking trails or a diving school are available to guests, as well as the Bogišić collection (including about 70 valuable incunabula, 22,00 rare books, graphics, coins, weapons) and the Bukovac Gallery. Every year in summer (Cavtater Summer) and in winter the city attracts guests from near and far with one carnival event each.In ancient times, the Greek settlement of Epidauros was located on this site, which from 228 BC was under Roman rule under the name of Epidaurum and later was also a Roman colony. In the Middle Ages the town was developed according to plans, but due to its location in a confined space. In the earthquake of 1667 the town was severely damaged. During the Croatian War, or the Battle of Dubrovnik in 1991, Cavtat was, among other things, shelled from the sea or later controlled by the Yugoslav People's Army. Most of the numerous damages have been repaired in the meantime, but some buildings as well as the Hotel Makedonia had to be demolished. 


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