Mauern von Ston

Sightseeing near Ston

Last edited 20.07.2022 at 06:40 by NV Charts Team


42° 50’ 34.9” N


17° 41’ 46.2” E


The "Walls of Ston" are defensive walls, more than 7 km long, surrounding the town of Veli Ston and connecting it with Mali Ston, at the narrowest point of the Peljesac peninsula.
The construction was begun in 1358 and completed in the early 15th century, 40 towers (of which 20 are preserved) and 5 fortresses. The most important are the fortress Veliki kaštio in Veli Ston, Koruna in Mali Ston and on the mountain (224m) the fortress Podzvizd . During the time of the Republic of Ragusa, the walls were maintained to protect the important salt pans on which Dubrovnik's prosperity was based and which are still in use today. (The Republic of Ragusa was an aristocratic maritime republic in Dubrovnik from 1358 until 1808 when it was conquered by Napoleon.)
Today it is one of the best preserved fortification systems in the world and is known as the "European Wall of China".


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