Lorient Port à sec

Marina near Lorient

Last edited 20.06.2024 at 13:26 by NV Charts Team


47° 43’ 42.3” N


3° 37’ 41.6” W


Lorient is the main marine city in southern Brittany. Lorient is known for its five harbours, two of which are reserved for yachtsmen. The fishing port is one of the largest in France. Thanks to the outstanding yachtsman Eric Tabarly, Lorient is also known as the "City of Sailing."

NV Cruising Guide


During the approach, St. Michael's Island can be used as a landmark. Access is possible from 30 minutes before until 1.5 hours after Full Tide. The sheltered harbour can be accessed at all times.


There are 280 spaces for motor boats. 


You can find a few restaurants north of the port.

Marina Information

Max Depth 3.3 m


Phone +33 299870046
Email Please enable Javascript to read
Website https://www.ports-paysdelorient.fr/fr/ports/lorient-port-sec




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