Schleuse Schöpfurt

Navinfo near Finowfurt

Last edited 05.09.2023 at 09:06 by NV Charts Team


52° 50’ 48.2” N


13° 40’ 56.7” E


L 41.05 m / W 9.60 m / Stroke: 3.6 m

Gate width 5.25 m / Chamber depth 1.80 m ; Operating hours: 15.04.-25.10. Mon-Sun 09:00 -16:45 h.

The locks Ruhlsdorf, Leesenbrück and Grafenbrück are due to construction measures until  probably 2024 out of service.

For the locks at the locks Schöpfurth Heegermühle and Wolfswinkel, advance notice is required at least 24 hours before the scheduled lock.

The lock regime is carried out by the Zweckverband Region Finowkanal and can be reached at 0151/72438871 during business hours.


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