(WG) Schleuse Marienthal

Navinfo near Zehdenick

Last edited 17.04.2024 at 11:29 by NV Charts Team


53° 3’ 4.8” N


13° 17’ 34.8” E


L 44.0 m / W 5.3 m / Stroke 1.9 m

Operating hours:

From 01.04. - 30.04. Mon-Sun from 09.30-16.00 hrs

From 01.05. - 30.05. Mon-Sun from 09.30-17.00 hrs

From 01.06. - 31.08. Mon-Sun from 09.30-18.30 hrs

From 01.09. - 30.09. Mon-Sun from 09.30-17.00 hrs

From 01.10. - 31.10. Mon-Sun from 09.30-16.00 hrs

From 01.11. - 30.11. Mon-Sun from 09.30-15.30 hrs

From 01.12. - 31.03. no operating hours

Waiting times are to be expected due to the legally prescribed break times, between 12:00 and 13:00, for the lock staff. 

Tel. 033080-60 23 9


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