Bucht der Kastelle - Kastelanski Zaljev

Sightseeing near Grad Kaštela (Kaštel Lukšić)

Last edited 19.07.2022 at 21:30 by NV Charts Team


43° 33’ 17.9” N


16° 21’ 21.9” E


Kaštela is a municipality located between Trogir and Split. In the 15th and 16th centuries, 13 forts were built along the 16km long coastline to repel the Turkish attacks. Around the forts were built settlements, which today became the municipality of Kaštela.
Of the 13 forts, 7 are preserved: Kaštel Štafilić, Kaštel Novi, Kaštel Stari, Kaštel Lukšić, Kaštel Kambelovac, Kaštel Gomilica, Kaštel Sućurac.
All forts have a small harbor or jetty and are definitely worth a dinghy excursion.
The coast is well protected by the Kozjak Mountains, and fruit, olives, wine and vegetables grow particularly well in the fields here. Today, the coast is a tourist center and a popular excursion destination.


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