
Hafen bei Vasiliki (Κ. Βασιλικής)

Zuletzt bearbeitet 28.05.2023 um 20:29 von Birger Scheidt, XO


38° 37’ 32” N


20° 36’ 30.3” O


Kleine Hafenstadt mit vielen Restaurants direkt am Hafen.


Max. Tiefe 3 m







Öff. Verkehr



Beautiful small port with many taverns at the waterfront. The port has space for around 14 yachts. Port is very shallow, in particular on the north side. When entering stay in the middle watching out for anchor chain of other yachts. Depth in the middle of the port around 2.2 m. Getting deeper to the south side you stay. CAUTION: only the small marina in front of the taverns can be used. The new marina is still under construction (status May 2023). According to barkeeper the new marina was supposed to be ready already at 2020 but is still unfinished. According to rumors it will never be finished. CAUTION: even it is possible to enter the new marina with the yacht it is forbidden and you will be forced to leave the port. Furthermore, mooring lines/chains are already on the ground. If you anchor, it is very likely to catch a line/chain with your anchor. At our stay, 3 yachts caught a chain, 2 yachts need a diver to free their anchor. The only valid place is the north-east corner of the new marina, facing the town, directly in front of the taverns. You get free water and electricity from the taverns if you eat there in the evening. Berth only with the side, NO anchor. Place for 4 yachts.
28.05.2023 20:29

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